Speaker Information
Thank you for speaking at Mobility Hubs 2024.
The full programme and timings can be viewed HERE​
Please ensure conferences@landor.co.uk has been added to your email safe sender list.
14th April
Speaker Biographies & Photos
If you have yet to supply a biography and 250-word profile text, please send this to conferences@landor.co.uk no later than Friday 14th April
The bios and photos will be used on the website and in delegate packs handed out on the day.
12th May
A copy of your slides before the event (if required) sent to conferences@landor.co.uk by Friday 12th May to allow Landor LINKS enough time to check everything is working correctly.
This should be a version that is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and in a 16:9 screen ratio.
Please Note: please also bring a copy of your presentation on a USB stick on the day as an emergency backup
We cannot accept slides in the following formats:
Presentations too large to email should be sent to conferences@landor.co.uk via www.wetransfer.com​​
On the day
All speakers to be in their allocated room 10 minutes before the scheduled start time to ensure the session begins on time.
Technical support will be provided.
Post event
All conference attendees will be emailed a link to view all the presentations in used during the event.​
If there is anything of a particularly sensitive nature you would like to be edited out of your presentation, this is possible if you let us know immediately after the event.
Mark Moran
Editor, Parking Review
Bharath Mendu
Events Logistics Coordinator